Dental Referral Services: Affordable Quality Dental Care in Mexico

Dental Tourism in Mexico Referral Services

Affordable Quality Dental Care in Mexico.

You Can Trust Beyond Borders Dental for the Best Price and Quality.

 Experience Top-Quality, Affordable Dental Care in Mexico

Our Evaluation Process Ensures the Best Dental Offices for Affordability and Quality

Beyond Borders Dental is committed to referring individuals to Mexico’s best dental clinics for cost and quality. As you’ll see below, our 4-Step Evaluation Process, which includes onsite visits, interviews with dental professionals, and monitoring of the satisfaction of our patients, assures you of the highest quality and the best price. We wouldn’t be in business if we didn’t deliver on quality! But do your due diligence thoroughly before committing to a dental clinic. Please also read our blog post, Is the Lowest Price the Best Price?

How to Find a Good, Affordable Dentist in Mexico

Thousands of people cross the border yearly to connect with quality, affordable dentists in Mexico. American patients have been getting dental treatments in Mexico for many years and sometimes decades. According to a report commissioned by Families U.S.A., a Washington advocacy group for healthcare issues, “About 90 percent [feel] the dental care they had received in Mexico had been good or excellent.” That is better than the results for care received in the U.S. in the same survey.

Our 4-Step Vetting Process

Each Mexico dental clinic in our program is carefully vetted through a 4-step evaluation process to ensure service quality. In addition, dentists in Mexico guarantee their services. Our assessment includes the following:

  1. We do routine site visits to all dental clinics in our program.” Yes, we visit the clinics in our referral program. We don’t send any referrals to distant locations we haven’t vetted.
  2. We do a comprehensive assessment of the doctor’s credentials. We also interview the doctors and staff.
  3. We conduct periodic reviews of their dental practices to ensure they adhere to our patients’ procedures and protocols and help them understand how to meet our patients’ needs.
  4. We refer our clients to vetted dental clinics and monitor their progress to ensure continued high patient satisfaction. If patients need help with their dental treatment after they return home, we advocate for a quick and mutually satisfactory solution.

Can You Trust Dentists in Mexico?

A Better Question: Can You Trust YOUR Dentist?

Better home care in the U.S., as well as changing profit centers and insurance payments for specific dental procedures, have all influenced a pattern of widely divergent diagnoses from dentist to dentist. Over the last two generations, cavities have decreased by 50% while the number of dentists has dramatically increased, with more dentists churned out from American dental schools every year. As a result, dentists compete more aggressively, creating pressures to find new profit centers. This is evidenced by sprouting newsletters such as The Profitable Dentist and seminars and courses on generating more profits for the dentist. Unfortunately, more profits for dentists means more expensive treatment for you.

Read About this Explosive Review of Dental Charges in the U.S.

According to William Ecenbarger, an award-winning investigative journalist, “Dentistry is a stunningly inexact science.” In his article “How Dentists Rip Us Off,” he documents his experience being diagnosed by fifty different dentists, with cost quotes on the dental treatments ranging from under $1000 to over $28,000. Unfortunately, almost a third of the dentists he consulted missed the actual confirmed problem he had (one crown on tooth No. 30).

This is further skewed by dental insurance, which rewards the dentist for some services much more lucratively than others. So, the type of insurance and your specific coverage may impact the dentist’s recommendations. According to Dr. John Dodes, a dental expert for the National Council for Health Fraud, treatment parameters that the American Dental Association has adopted are “mostly nebulous generalities that do little to guarantee patients adequate treatment.” Some dentists may take advantage of the opportunity to recommend costly and more lucrative treatments that are unnecessary. Unfortunately, we regularly see examples of this directly from our clients. Don’t be caught off-guard by the old stereotype of the family neighborhood dentist. Dentistry is big business, and you should understand that. You can read more on our blog post, Americans are Traveling Abroad for Dental Care.

Will You Receive the Same Treatment Plan from Our Dentists in Mexico?

Our dentists in Mexico are highly trained and credentialed and can provide all the services you can receive in the U.S. However, you may find that the treatment plan our Mexico dentists suggest is more conservative and, therefore, less expensive. Many U.S. dentists are honest and well-trained, but many factors “as discussed above” affect the consistency of a treatment plan from dentist to dentist. Our dentists in Mexico have told us in no uncertain terms that their diagnosis, which is not driven by the same economic influences as U.S. dentists, may differ from a dental treatment plan obtained by a U.S. dentist. Ultimately, our Mexico dentists’ care will be based on their review of your dental treatment plan and an in-person examination. So, the dental treatment plan you submit, and your dental treatment in Mexico may differ. It could be less, and it could be more. So, it is imperative to know that Beyond Borders Dental has endeavored to screen the Mexico dentists in our programs carefully through direct meetings and interviews to ensure both quality and affordable dental work.

Is There a Guarantee for Dental Treatment?

Yes, the dentists in Mexico who are part of our program guarantee their dental treatment, materials, and services. However, if you are unhappy or need any adjustment (which is not uncommon for dental care in the U.S.), they will modify or redo the dental work as necessary.

Even though you may be saving thousands or tens of thousands of dollars with your treatment at our approved dental clinics, keep in mind that you may incur additional costs and time if an adjustment is needed. For instance, you could have other hotel and meal costs. However, considering the savings our patients enjoy, most people find that modest travel costs are inconsequential compared to substantial savings in their dental work. Some of our patients have saved tens of thousands of dollars and were happy to travel to our approved dental clinics for treatment.

Don’t put off getting the dental treatment you need because of the cost. If you are unfamiliar with getting quality and affordable dental care in Mexico, we can help. We will be your advocate every step of the way and answer all your questions and concerns.

If you have questions or need additional information, please Contact Us or Request a Quote to send us your dental inquiry, and we’ll get back to you.

Beyond Borders Dental – Opening the doors to Mexico’s Top Dental Clinics, one referral at a time!