Getting a Low-Cost Root Canal in Mexico

You take a bite of your steak dinner, and a sharp pain shoots down your tooth. You drink a sip of coffee, and your tooth begins to throb. You wake up in the middle of the night to an aching sensation in your mouth. These are all signs that you may need a root canal.

No one looks forward to the dentist, especially for a root canal. The sound of the drill, the blinding lights, the pain, and oh, perhaps the worst of all, the expensive bill handed to you after treatment. Let’s face it: going to the dentist to treat your root canal is no fun, and it is not cheap. Yet you don’t want to continue to live with mouth pain, so how can you find an affordable root canal?

A calculator, pen and money on top of a table.

Are there any dentists in your area that offer affordable root canal therapy? Probably not. The average root canal in the U.S. costs a whopping $1,200.00! That’s not cheap. But maybe you have dental insurance, so you’ve got some coverage, right? Let’s say you have 50% coverage, which is about the average for dental insurance. That means you will pay $600.00 out of pocket after you’ve met your deductible, which typically costs a few hundred dollars.

Of course, you will have to pay a few hundred for the dental exam, x-rays, and whatever else the dentist in Albuquerque adds to your bill, so your bill could be $1,000.00 when it’s all said and done. That’s not cheap! So, what do you need if you need a root canal but can’t afford it?

Just how good is dental care in Mexico? About 90% of Americans rate the dental care they’ve received in Mexico as good or excellent. This figure came from a recent survey by Families U.S.A., a Washington-based advocacy group. That’s better than American dentists’ results in the same poll. So, yes, it’s true; you can get pain-free, quality, and affordable dental care from experienced and qualified dentists in Mexico.

A dentist is working with the patient in his mouth.

Dentists in Mexico offer the same procedures in the U.S. This means you can save root canals and dental crowns, implants, all-on-4s, snap-on dentures, veneers, cosmetic dental work, and more. So, how much cheaper are root canals in Mexico than in the U.S.? On average, a root canal in Mexico costs just $350.00, while, as mentioned before, a root canal in the U.S. runs about $1,200. So that’s a lot more affordable!

If you have questions or need additional information, please Contact Us or Request a Quote to send us your dental inquiry, and we’ll get back to you.