Average Price for Root Canal Therapy

You are at your dentist’s office when he tells you you need a root canal. Of course, the first question that pops into your head is, what is the root canal price? Can you afford this root canal? He quotes you a whopping $1,252.00!

How do you know if this is the best root canal price? Are there more affordable options for root canals? Should you take his word for it and book your next appointment, or do you shop around for a discount root canal? We researched how much a root canal costs in the U.S. and whether there are such things as low-cost root canals in the U.S. You may find the results surprising.

A man is holding up a dollar bill to his face.

We surveyed several dentists in the local area to find out what they charge for root canals. First, it’s important to note that the root canal price will vary depending on the tooth. Root canals are most commonly performed on anterior, bi-cuspid, or molar teeth. This is important to note when comparing prices and looking for an affordable root canal.

We found that the average price for root canals in the U.S. is anything but cheap. The dental offices we found quoted us anywhere from $900.00 to $1,300.00. That is a root canal price difference of more than $300.00 for a root canal! So if your local dentist tells you that you need a root canal, then the answer is yes, you should absolutely price shop to find the most affordable root canal in your area.

You may wonder if there are other ways to save money on a root canal. The answer is simple.

  • First, dentists everywhere run specials or promotions that may reduce the overall cost of your dental treatment from time to time. They might, for example, run a 10% off special, discounting your root canal treatment.
  • Second, if you have dental insurance, you may have some coverage toward your total bill. This means your portion of payment for your root canal will be lower. Just remember that you will still be responsible for your deductible and co-insurance (your portion) of the treatment. Also, if you have used your dental insurance this year, see how much coverage you have left. Typically, plans have a set limit of a thousand or so dollars per year max that they will payout.
  • Third, you may consider joining a dental savings plan if you aren’t insured. These plans can sometimes save you money, but read the fine print! It’s not worth enjoying a lower root canal price when you are forced to pay outrageous premiums.
  • Finally, one way can save you the MOST on a root canal, and this option is quickly becoming the most popular for border-town residents. You, too, can go south to Mexico for a low-cost root canal.

A person in white lab coat holding a cup and a piggy bank.

On average, root canals are only $250 in Mexico and, therefore, a much cheaper option. This means rather than going to your local dentist in your area, where you will be charged up to $1,350, you can go to Mexico and save up to 75% on your root canal. TDentaltourism is not new; for decades, residents of border towns have been crossing the border for discounts on root canals, dental crowns, and even dentures.

Dental clinics in Mexico boast the same equipment and materials as dentists in the U.S., and dentists in Mexico have comparable training. And if you are wondering about the quality, according to a report commissioned by Families U.S.A., a Washington advocacy group for health-care issues, “About 90 percent [feel] the dental care they had received in Mexico had been good or excellent.” That is better than the results for dental care received in the U.S. in the same survey.

Beyond Borders Dental was established to provide anyone with quality dental care at an affordable price. Therefore, we only work with approved dentists who have passed our 4-step quality vetting process. You get a lower root canal price without having to sacrifice quality.

So, how do you get a low-cost root canal in Mexico? Well, we will work hard to get you the best price on your root canal, schedule your appointment with an approved dentist, and even help you with your hotel.

Regardless, inquire about the cost if your local dentist recommends a root canal. Subsequently, explore different dental provider rates within your vicinity to compare pricing. Rest assured, there are nearby options for more cost-effective root canal procedures.

If you have questions or need additional information, please Contact Us or Request a Quote to send us your dental inquiry, and we’ll get back to you.