Traditional Dentures and Beyond

Dental Tourism in Mexico Referral Services

Understanding Dentures: Information on Removable Prostheses

Exploring the Affordable and Established Option for Replacing Missing Teeth

Snap-on dentures are removable dentures with implants for stability. Snap-on implants need locator abutments (like a button). You have a button on the gum when it’s a Snap-on denture. Snap-on dentures combine the advantages of conventional dentures with dental implants. Snap-on dentures are also called implant-supported or overdentures and are a more permanent alternative.

A Closer Look Traditional Removable Dentures

“Dentures” also commonly referred to as false teeth,” are fitted prostheses for missing teeth. They’re often made of acrylic, nylon, or metal. They are widely used to replace several or all of your teeth, and they fit snugly over the gums with the support of denture adhesive. Full or partial dentures are removable appliances that replace missing teeth and adjoining gums, where you can take them in and out of your mouth. Yes, these are the teeth you imagine in a cup! Whether all of your teeth need to be replaced or just a few, removable dentures are the most affordable option compared to fixed bridges or implant-supported dentures. They are also one of the most established treatments in dentistry, making your replacements functional, aesthetic, and comfortable. Getting dentures in Mexico is approached the same way as in the U.S.: customizing your new teeth as your own.

Who Needs to Replace Their Teeth

A man with glasses and a tooth missing.

Perhaps you have suffered from loose, decayed, infected, or painful teeth and have been diagnosed with extractions. You may even already wear full dentures, but they are not comfortable, attractive, or functional. There are many fears and reasons why one would put off their dental needs, but the most significant concern is the price. Depending on where you live in the U.S., dentures can be expensive! You can restore your dental health with quality yet affordable dentures in Mexico. You can contribute to your whole body’s health by healing your mouth. Beyond Borders Dental believes you deserve the chance to start anew and to feel good about your smile. We also believe that you should be able to get quality, affordable dentures no matter where you live.

The Benefits of Teeth Replacement

  1. Facilitates Chewing, which aids in Digestion and Nutritional well-being.
  2. Necessitates Speaking and Articulation.
  3. Supports Facial Muscles and the Appearance of the Face.
  4. Sustains Alignment of the Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ, your jaw joint).
  5. Restores Self-esteem and confidence.

How Full Dentures Are Made

A close up of two fake teeth on top of each otherIf you have no remaining natural teeth and are looking for affordable dentures, know that there are global standards in dentistry to achieve your full dentures at a discount price. Our dentists in Mexico adhere to the same process as dentists in the U.S. Both the teeth and the base of your dentures are made of acrylic resin, a hard, durable plastic. While either porcelain or acrylic may be used for natural-looking teeth, acrylic is the most popular material for affordable dentures. You may want to replicate the lovely teeth you once had, or this can be your opportunity to design the smile you always wanted. You choose your teeth’ color, shape, size, and shade with dentures!

There are two ways to make dentures: one is referred to as “Immediate,” and the other is “Conventional,” both use impressions to form a mold of your jaw. If extractions are deemed necessary, both approaches deliver teeth the same day; however, Immediate dentures are the completed set given the day of extraction. As the tissue heals, it will undergo stages of shrinkage because the Immediate denture is shaped from an impression made before the extractions; many adjustments are necessary to secure the denture in place, which could compromise its integrity. However, conventional dentures give a temporary denture after the extractions, preventing toothless embarrassment while allowing for healing time. Once the critical stage of healing occurs, where the ridges are firm enough around the bone, another set of impressions is taken for your permanent dentures.

The great advantage of conventional dentures is the opportunity to try a mockup called a wax bite or wax try-in. After the second impressions are taken, you will have a visit to try your new teeth that are set in wax instead of the final acrylic base. The dentist checks for its position in the jaw, the bite, the vertical alignment, and its fit in general; unfortunately, the Immediate denture skips over this much-needed step. The most exciting part of the Wax Try In is that you can approve your teeth and tweak the color, shape, or shade before the final denture is made and delivered. All these thorough steps are bundled into one affordable denture price with our dentists in Mexico.

Partial Dentures are Made from Different Material

While full dentures replace all your teeth, partial dentures fill spaces created by missing teeth. They prevent other teeth from drifting from their position in your mouth and, thus, can prevent further tooth loss. Three types of partials are secured in your mouth by either clasping or snuggling surrounding teeth.

  1. Flexible Partial is the most commonly used one. It is a firm but pliable acrylic appliance without any metal. They tend to be the most comfortable of the three but may need to be replaced after five years. These dentures are not as cheap as the other two, but seem worth it, as they are the least intrusive.
  2. The Cast Metal Partial is the most established and most durable. An alloy metal frame with acrylic added for gums and teeth is used. Many find the metal hard to get used to as it may interrupt taste and be difficult for the tissue to accept.
  3. The Acrylic Partial can be the most affordable denture option. The frame is made of a more rigid acrylic than the Flexible Partial and has metal clasps. The acrylic can feel bulky, and the clasps weaken over time.

Partial dentures require a two-appointment process, where impressions are taken first, and your appliances are delivered to you on the second, where your plate is fitted and adjusted.

Comparing the Cost of Dental Dentures in the U.S. to Mexico

A person holding a stack of money in their hand.

Low-cost full dentures are hard to find in the U.S. and range anywhere from $1,600.00 to $3,500.00 in most private practices. Pre-made dentures are cheap, not to be confused with immediate dentures, and can be as little as $500.00, but they are far from customized. They are pre-packaged with slight variation and a “one size fits all” limitation. These cheap dentures will never ideally conform to your unique mouth with their artificial fit and appearance.

Customized dentures in Mexico are very affordable and priced at around $1,200.00. Pre-made dentures are unacceptable to our dentists in Mexico as they strive to meet your unique needs with the same quality a private practice dentist would in the U.S. Beyond Borders Dental can assist you with getting the best, most affordable dentures.


Here’s What to Expect with Your New Teeth

It takes time to become accustomed to mouth appliances and your new teeth. During this period, some wearers encounter sore spots on the tissue below the dentures, but there are solutions that your dentist in Mexico will discuss with you. The dentist may need to slightly adjust the base or clasps for the dentures and partials. It is usually recommended to have a restricted diet for a while as you learn to eat with your new teeth. Soft foods and non-sticky foods are suggested as you slowly introduce harder-to-chew foods. Sometimes, speech is affected, and it takes some time to re-develop your articulation. There is also an increase in saliva to be expected, but this will dissipate. All of the satisfying benefits should compensate for any of these challenges.

Properly Maintaining Your Dentures is Important to Your Oral Health

A glass of water with teeth and scissors in it.

Except for the first couple of weeks, dentures and partials should be removed nightly. There are established denture care products to soak them in. Removing them is extremely important for two reasons: It maintains the health of your tissue because it needs to breathe at least 8 hours a day, and the dentures collect bacteria and tartar as natural teeth do. You never want to boil or put your dentures in extreme heat, as they can warp. Over time, teeth may break off, and ideally, they should be repaired by a dental professional, not super glued, as it just won’t last. The metal clasps may need adjusting over time as well. If there is significant weight loss, just like your clothes, the dentures can become loose, but this can usually be resolved by a dental lab adding more acrylic to your denture, called a reline.

  • Snap-on dentures will not slip off or trigger a gag reflex; they’re not maintenance-free. They require nightly removal and cleaning.
  • They don’t cover the roof of your mouth, allowing for more taste sensitivity.
  • They can prevent further bone loss but do require surgical placement, a process that can take up to six months.
  • Although typically more cost-effective than conventional dentures, Snap-in dentures can still be pricy, depending on your case.

Final thoughts on snap-on dentures (overdentures)

If you’re considering Snap-on dentures, educate yourself about the common failures of this procedure. There are a lot of articles written on Snap-on dentures. If you decide that Snap-on dentures are your best choice, avoid mini-implants. Mini-implants are well-known for their high failure rate.

Snap-on dentures (overdentures) can give patients 40% to 50% of their chewing ability (compared to natural teeth)—snap-on dentures, on average, last five to ten years. Snap-on dentures can provide lip support to prevent physical changes in a patient’s face. The All-on-4 procedure is not best for all patients.

When a patient has enough bone, snap-on dentures can be an option but are typically not recommended. It’s only recommended for patients who want All-on-4 (fixed dentures) but can’t afford it. For more insight on whether Snap-on dentures fit you, check out the Snap-on (Overdentures) blog.

If you have questions or need additional information, please contact us. Call or text us today at (505) 738-7770 or click this link to send us your inquiry, and we’ll get back to you.

Snap-On Dentures: Smile with Confidence, Snap into Comfort!